Exam Policies

COVID-19 Procedures
  • All students are required to wear a mask and sanitize their hands prior to entering our facilities.
  • Body temperature must be taken and logged prior to entering and exiting exam centers.
  • In order to comply with government mandated social distancing policies we are limiting the number of students per room to three in all of our facilities.
Before you take an exam
  • Bring a government issued picture id (passport/license/foreign registration card).
  • Bring your confirmation number (this will be emailed to you).
  • Complete and sign our exam policy (must be signed and submitted before your exam).
  • If your course requires a calculator, ensure that the model is pre-approved by your institution. Unapproved calculators will NOT be permitted during your exam.
During your exam
  • Sign in.
  • You will not be permitted to enter the examination room after the first 30 minutes or to leave within the first 30 minutes.
  • Aids such as calculators, cell phones, paper, reference materials, tablets, laptops, etc. may not be used by students unless authorized by the institution.
  • Most of our exams are recorded for record keeping and to comply with certain exam policies.
  • If you are taking an online exam, a computer will be provided to you. If you notice ANY irregularities, you are to report it immediately to your proctor.
* Our invigilators will report any deviations from the above exam policies. Any misconduct will be reported, and attached to our misconduct report and sent to your institution.
After your exam
  • Sign out.
  • You may not take any paper out of the exam room with you.
  • If you arrive after the first 30 minutes, your institution will be contacted for alternative arrangements.
  • Make payment arrangements for courier shipping. This is to ensure your exam is sent back to your institution. If you are writing more than one exam, to help reduce costs, they can be bundled and sent at once. Speak to our administration team to arrange this.